Semantic U !Important

04 Oct 2018

When I started learning about Web Tools like HTML, CSS, and Semantic UI, I was so into it. Eveytime I did an assignment, I was so proud of the work I made even if it was a simple task. I just absolutely loved it. But when I got towards the middle of semantic, I just fell apart. There were too many things to know and I was wondering why somethings weren’t doing what they were suppose to. For example, in the graded test we had today, I feel my code did everything right until I had to change a menu font color to white. I did it at least five times already before today so I was wondering, “WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING! >:( “. When I did not finish the test I was extremely irritated. A friend of mine after showmed me that all I had to do was put !Important after the color and that ruined my day and probably my week. Although it was a very frustrating and painful experience, I still kind of like to create content with semantic. The way it makes webpages is just incredible to me. I mean, we were dupliacting other webpages! I think it would be extraordinary to use a framework like this to design an amazing website.

So far, I have only had one bad experience with this and that was when it was for a grade. However, I do feel it is worth spending time trying to learn this because the returns is simply beautiful, literally. Overall, I could see myself doing this for maybe a part time job or in my free time for someone I know. It has widened my perspective of webpages and software engineering and was an overall fun experience.